Scripture Reading - Matthew 16:13-15 KJV

13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

In “Thought Discovery” we are speaking about determining what a person is thinking about a certain situation, issue, person, place or thing. This subject does not have to be too spiritual because “thought discovery” can be as simple as asking your boss, “Do you need me for anything?” This is the biblical way to know what one is thinking by simply asking them direct questions about the specific information you are seeking. Since pride presumes while humility asks, it is wiser to stay humble. If you don’t know something important to you that someone else does know just ask them because God’s Will is found in the knowledge of truth, not ignorance. Some people think that asking a question to a person in a higher position (office) may be viewed as impolite. While others think that asking a question to someone more knowledgeable could be viewed as a silly question. However, it is commonly said, “No question is silly when you don’t know the answer”. Likewise, no question is improper if you need to understand the situation better to help someone else. Of course people should not be nosy by prying into the personal affairs of another. We (ihlcc) are not speaking about nosy busybodies but rather understanding a situation or person better to know exactly what is going on so that you can perform what you need to do next. We never recommend asking questions with no purpose because idle words spoken rashly profit no one. The concept of “thought discovery” is basically taking the information (knowledge) someone else already has to help you gain a better perspective overall. The information may be used to help that same person or maybe the information will be used to benefit you or another person but either way as long as someone is being blessed (mentally enhanced) it is all good. In the verses mentioned for today’s lesson Jesus had to ask a question to his disciples to gain a better understanding of what was going on around him. Since the Lord had to ask questions in His ministry on the earth how much more will we need to ask certain questions to better understand whom we are working with and/or what we are laboring for. This means when doing work (a duty, a task) for someone else ask them exactly what they are expecting of you (looking for as a result). This also means if you desire accurate information you must focus your “thoughts” to ask the right questions for effective “thought discovery”. In “thought discovery” you are learning something new or putting to silence a re-occurring “thought” that keeps on nagging you inwardly. “Thought Discovery” when properly exercised should end all doubt and debate because you can ask the Lord Jesus Christ just as easily as you can ask another person. The Lord Jesus Christ used “thought discovery” via asking questions to increase His knowledge of others. Dear child of God you too must use this tool of “thought discovery” through mental investigation to increase your knowledge and enhance your understanding unto the glory of God, our Heavenly Father. Knowledge only becomes productive when it is understood correctly, so take advantage of your ability to discern thoughts by utilizing “thought discovery” under the influence of God’s Holy Spirit in line with God’s Holy Word. This will allow you to take complex issues and understand them completely after you break up the larger parts of the problem into smaller bits of information one question at a time. This method has been proven by God because the Lord gives out a word of knowledge one topic at a time instead of all knowledge at one time. The key is understanding that through a process of questions and answers, here a little and there a little, a deeper knowledge comes until the full light (complete understanding) dawns on your heart to illuminate your mind. So be patient and proficient when demonstrating “thought discovery” in the spirit of love to elevate the Body of Christ through additional knowledge and understanding to produce the wisdom of God for your unique situation. Given faith and patience no “thought” can be hidden when properly using the light of “thought discovery” in the Name of Jesus. Amen!